fourteen studies


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Quick History

The 1980s

In the 1980s, most estimates of the rate of autism were that it affected 1 in 10,000 children. Today, the official estimate of the autism rate is 1 in 110, with many localities reporting rates closer to 1 in 100. That's a 90-fold increase, or 9,000%. What's going on?

A recent survey showed that over 60% of parents of children with autism blame vaccines. Tens of thousands of case reports appear very similar: a normally developing child receives multiple vaccines from their pediatrician, the child appears to change soon after the appointment (or have an immediate, more serious reaction to the vaccines), and later the child is diagnosed with autism.

An important point that is rarely discussed is the change in the total number of vaccines given to this generation of children. In the 1980s, by the age of six, a child would receive a maximum of 10 vaccines, with many receiving less. Today, the Centers for Disease Control's recommended schedule calls for 36 vaccines, a near-tripling of total vaccines given to children. Is this increase in vaccines the primary trigger of the increase in autism? Many parents believe so.

The "case closed" mantra

If the mainstream media -- and the paid spokespeople of the vaccine industry who are often quoted by them -- were your only source of information regarding the controversy over the link between vaccines and autism, you'd get the strong impression that the case is closed and that vaccines have been exonerated by "Science."

Consider some of these comments from organizations and individuals within the medical establishment:

"Groups of experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, agree that MMR vaccine is not responsible for recent increases in the number of children with autism. In 2004, a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that there is no association between autism and MMR vaccine, or vaccines that contain thimerosal as a preservative."
- Centers for Disease Control

"Five large epidemiological studies have been conducted in the United States and in Europe since 2001. These studies have all consistently provided evidence that there is no association between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism."
- Every Child By Two, a nonprofit entity funded by Wyeth, a vaccine maker

"Five large epidemiological studies conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Sweden since 2001 consistently provided evidence that there is no association between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism."
- Institute of Medicine

"There are no valid studies that show a link between thimerosal in vaccines and autistic spectrum disorder. A 2004 report from the Institute of Medicine, Vaccines and Autism, concluded that the available evidence is against the existence of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism."
- American Academy of Pediatrics

"The implication that vaccinations cause autism is irresponsible and counter productive. Although several carefully performed scientific studies have searched for a link between autism and the use of thimerosal in vaccines, no such link has been found."
- March of Dimes

"Scientific data overwhelmingly show that there is no connection between vaccines and autism...We need more research to investigate the actual causes of autism, but it would be a disservice to the health of our children if we let vaccines take the blame for this tragic and complex disease."
- American Medical Association

"It is important to note that concerns about the toxicity of thimerosal are theoretical and there is no compelling scientific evidence of a safety problem with its use in vaccines, although public perception of risk remains in some countries."
- World Health Organization

"From time to time, rumors circulate that thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative once used in several vaccines (and still used in some flu vaccine), could contribute to ASDs. However, valid scientific studies have shown there is no link. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), the CDC, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) agree that science does not support a link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism."
- American Academy of Pediatrics

That's an exhaustive and compelling "who's who" of our medical establishment and they are all saying the same thing in no uncertain terms: vaccines do not cause autism. Why in the world would any doctor, parent, or scientist try to argue otherwise?

What is actually true?

Like everything in life, the devil is always in the details. This website will demonstrate that:

  • Of 11 vaccines licensed for children (all given multiple times), only a single vaccine -- the MMR -- has been studied for its relationship to autism. This would be like trying to identify the source of a plane crash, suspecting mechanical failure, solely analyzing one of the wings, and then declaring the entire airplane free of culpability.
  • A vaccine ingredient, thimerosal, which is comprised of mercury, has also been studied, but solely in the context of vaccinated children. Often, the studies on thimerosal compare children who received various levels of thimerosal in their vaccines, rather than none.
  • No studies have ever considered unvaccinated children to compare their autism rates to those who receive vaccines.
  • No studies consider the real world and how vaccines are actually given. American children receive 6-7 vaccines simultaneously at their 2, 4, and 6 month "well baby" visits, but no science done comes close to replicating this real world condition.

We genuinely believe that any parent, doctor, journalist, or scientist who takes the time to read this site, look objectively at the studies we analyze, and push themselves to understand if the right questions have actually been asked will reach the same conclusions we do.

One final point: the studies we are reviewing on this site are typically filled with fairly rampant conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest tends to corrupt and bias, which is why it's so important to understand.

So, who are we? We are parents of children with autism. We believe vaccines have caused our children's condition. We are not litigants against vaccine manufacturers. We will not benefit financially if vaccines are ultimately proven to be the primary trigger of autism. Our motivation is truth and we want to help other parents avoid the fate that befell us. That's it. Thank you for reading our website.